Yes, it would seem that DJ White Shadow- responsible for much of Lady GaGa‘s work on ‘Born This Way‘- has had quite enough of being labelled a copy cat by Pop icon Madonna.
For, in response to the veteran’s claim that GaGa copied her hit song ‘Express Yourself‘ to create ‘Born‘s lead single of the same, the Chicago based beat maker has shared his uncensored thoughts on the issue.
Taking to his Twitter page, he ranted:
Someone should take there old lady meds before they are allowed to talk in public. No memories having motherf*cker.
I obviously do not hate Madonna, or belittle her talent or achievements, however, if she thinks we stole a song from her she is wrong.If you don’t like what I have to say, unfollow me, f*ck off.
Though there really is no denying that ‘Born This Way’ was indeed ‘inspired’ by ‘EY’, we are very glad that White Shadow decided ‘expressed himself’ in such a public way.
For, it is hilarious if not down right annoying that Ciccone has the cheek to condemn anyone for copying her, when she herself has shamelessly ‘swagger jacked’ the likes Cher, Marilyn Monroe, Cyndi Lauper, and dare we say Bananarama, at various points in her career.
Only time will tell just how this ‘drama’ will play out, and if GaGa herself will ever respond to Madonna’s claims.
Madonna took from Cher ? Besides the cheeks implants i don't see how and when.Cyndi Lauper ? True blue june 86, true colours september 86. Bananarama ? Really ?