Friday, September 27, 2013

Strike a Pose?

Serioulsy, WTF?!  Does she own a mirror?  


  1. I know a lot of her publicity pics are photoshopped to make her skin appear smoother and younger, but I think some of them are photoshopped by some people to make her appear older. She looks like she's in her late 60's in this pic.

  2. That's so photoshopped by a hater!!! it's sad abd poor that someone take the time to do something like this...

  3. I just discovered your blog and i love it for the mere fact that you are not an ass kisser like some bloggers and also because your blog is awesome. Keep it up.

  4. I just discovered your blog and i love it for the mere fact that you are not an ass kisser like some bloggers and also because your blog is awesome. Keep it up.
