Who's the Queenest of them all? Opening the Euro stretch of her Born This Way Ball tour with sass, Lady GaGa gave fans in Helsinki, Finland a peek at her bum in an apparent dig at Madonna. As you know, her Madgesty has been covering GaGaloo's Born This Way during her MDNA tour. And many speculate this to be a spike in the diva domination war following her comments that the GaGa single was a "reductive" homage to Express Yourself.
But Gaga clearly just doesn't give a f*ck! With a flash of her thong she told the crowd:
"I don’t give a f*ck what people say. We don’t give a f*ck — we know the truth!"And then, in true diva fashion, she went right into playing a move of Madonna's own game and covered the Queen's Like A Prayer. So not only did GaGa take Madonna's signature thong flash, she covered one of her own singles, obviously in response to Madge covering her own. Oh and in case you missed it — Madonna has a song entitled I Don't Give A on MDNA. So GaGa's introduction to the chess move was LOADED!!
And while GaGa also says the rebellious line in Bad Kids, the fact that one of Madonna's recent songs holds the same title is still an interesting note speculated by MANY in connection with GaGa's thong flash. Just sayin!
UPDATE: Despite reports claiming she covered Like A Prayer, other sources insist that is not the case. Seeing as there is no video of the performance, we're forced to believe the latter.
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